The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) loves acronyms. Its website even offers an entire resource to help us navigate their use of them. Granted, this list is by no means exhaustive – a quick search for ODAG and CDAG returned, well, nothing and A&G is listed twice, once as “Acquisitions and Grants” and again as “Administrative and General.”
But those in the know recognize A&G as Appeals and Grievances, with ODAG and CDAG referring to Organizational and/or Coverage Determinations, Appeals and Grievances.
Later this week, we’ll be part of Appeals & Grievances Innovation for Medicare Plans: Improving ODAG & CDAG Readiness. Free for health plans and hospitals, this virtual event will cover recent changes to CMS guidance and the latest protocols for Part C (i.e., Medicare Advantage plans) ODAG and Part D CDAG. It’ll also present best practices and innovative ways healthcare payers can improve their audit readiness and elevate member satisfaction.
We invite you to visit us in our “booth” where we’ll be showcasing our Kiriworks A&G solution and how it automates processing, communication and reporting to help organizations resolve issues quickly and accurately while ensuring compliance and delivering excellent member service.
It all starts at 10 a.m. Eastern, Thursday, February 3.