A couple years ago when I started thinking about running my first half marathon I knew it was going to be a real project and a real commitment. See, running doesn’t come easily or naturally to me and I don’t hesitate to say I’m usually bringing up the rear in most of my races. Although I’ve been an athlete my whole life, playing soccer, basketball and softball I could never find the enjoyment in just running. I’m pretty sure that runners high that people talk about doesn’t really exist, or I’ve been running way to slow to catch it. Anyway I’m up for a good challenge, so I googled half marathon training and with the advice of runner friends I chose a training schedule I thought I could manage while being a single mother of two kids who also had a plethora of extracurricular activities that required my time and attention. Some days the running wasn’t too bad, other days it took everything I had to power through. On those tough days I would tell myself…I’ve been blessed with 24 hours in this day and this is just one of those hours. It’s just one hour. It’s just one hour. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t pretty but I trained and made it through the half marathon. Sorry, there is no made-for-tv-movie ending because I didn’t win the race but I did complete the challenge and bask in the positive results. On the other side of race day – pride, accomplishment & the knowledge that I could do it.
The point to this rambling about running is that the path of digital transformation has a lot of similarities. It begins with an idea or challenge to overcome: mine was to run a half marathon but for your business it may be to reduce costs, expedite processing time or improve the customer experience. Heck, it could be all three of those things or any other multitude of benefits that come from DT. Whatever the idea – you already know it’s going to be a real project and require a real commitment. Some days it will go smoothly and other days you’ll have to work harder to stay committed and power through.
To get started you search for what tools are available to help you. Just like there are a lot of different training tools for running, there are a myriad of tools to help with DT. This can be overwhelming, confusing and potentially result in a substantial investment with no guarantee of results. Luckily for me before I picked my training of choice, I had a number of friends who had run half marathons and so I went to them for some direction. They knew me, my lifestyle and my other commitments and could answer my questions, make some recommendations on a training schedule that would fit my world and help me make this goal achievable. End of the day I would have to do the work, but they could at least point me in the right direction based on their experience.
So I present to you the Magnetek Digital Transformation Showcase. Two hours to have an open discussion about Magneteks road to Digital Transformation. This is not a sales pitch event. Let me repeat that: THIS IS NOT A SALES PITCH EVENT. We’ve been working with Magnetek for years and they’ve been doing some pretty cool things that have had some major impacts on their business. So we asked Magnetek if they would be willing to take an hour or two out of their busy day to talk to other manufacturing companies about their digital transformation experience: the good, the bad and everything in-between. Before you decide your path or chose the “training schedule” for your digital transformation project we want you to have access to those friends who have already run this race and can share their experiences, enlighten you to potential challenges and most of all discuss the outcomes so you can hear first-hand the success that a good training schedule can have on your business.
If you are in the manufacturing space and have aspirations to improve your business, you should be at this event. Honestly, even if you are in another industry that includes departments like Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Human Resources, Operations or Customer Service (ya, I know that’s pretty much every business…that’s the point) you should consider attending this event because the discussion agenda includes the impact of digital transformation in all of those organizational departments.
We are providing you with a platform to learn about digital transformation from a company who has been there and is continuing to explore and expand this powerful tool within their organization. We encourage you to bring your questions and concerns, to ask the team at Magnetek about their experience and network with other local business leaders from Briggs & Stratton, R&B Wagner, Bradley & Bruno to hear what they are accomplishing through their digital transformation efforts.
The Magnetek Digital Transformation Showcase is Tuesday, May 15th from 4-6pm at the Magnetek Corporate Headquarters in Menomonee Falls, WI. 2 hours out of the 24 you were blessed with to learn about a technology that could substantially impact your business for years to come. Digital Transformation has already begun to impact the manufacturing industry. Those business leaders who are working on their DT strategy now are laying a strong foundation for their organizations future. There is no obligation or commitment and Magnetek is not being paid or incentivized to share their story. We look forward to meeting you, hearing about your business and preparing you for your race day. See you May 15th!