Client Services, Inc. (CSI) is a full service receivables management and customer care provider. Being a heavily service-focused company it was imperative to the CSI team to improve efficiencies and reduce costs without compromising their exception customer service. A Kiriworks partner and OnBase Customer since 2008, CSI called on Kiriworks to expand the existing ECM solution and include features that would improve document distribution and information delivery while reducing paper consumption.
With a combined solution including Kofax Capture and Hyland’s OnBase, the Business Technology team started with the back office operations but quickly expanded the project to include document distribution throughout their nationwide call centers. With the expanded solution CSI reduced time and increased accuracies, enabling them to get the right information in the right hands quicker.
“The transition from paper based business processes to automated content management business processes with OnBase has allowed CSI to meet, and in most cases exceed, the ever-increasing regulatory requirements from our clients and government entities while providing a good return on investment.” Said Kirk Landwehrmier, ECM Specialist at Client Services, Inc.
With the increased accessibility to information and prompt response times to customer inquiries, CSI’s customer service remains unparalleled in the industry.